Seize the opportunity, No time to procrastinate it

Akhmedjanov Sardor
2 min readMay 21, 2021

“There is a lot of things to do, I will do it tomorrow”.” I want to read a book, but I need not it now”.” I will improve my English skills in order to pass IELTS, but I have a plethora of time”.” I want to finish an online course, but I should watch it first.” This is what I hear every single day from myself and people with whom I study and we never realize how much time we have.

Do you ever calculate what you spend your 24 hours?! There are 24 hours a day. You can take a book and read it for an hour. You can complete what your mother wants in housework in one hour. You can download an application for the gym and do a couple of push-ups in an hour. You can open your online platform and complete one chapter of the course in an hour. Only 4 hours. Is it a whole day? Let's imagine you will do it for a week. You will read 150 pages of a book, you will get used to exercising and it will consist into your daily routine, and you will complete 7 hours of your online course. THIS IS THE RESULT! So, you have 20 hours a day for watching Instagram stories /Tik-Tok/chatting with friends/ watching movies/ eating and sleeping.

“Stop scrolling down your endless feed and think about where you are going. Start learning a new language. Start exercising. Start doing. Time is precious. Thank the coronavirus for giving you so much time” — Jafarbek Ulmasov

